Official Website of The Ghosts of Saratoga
This young adult novel is the first for these authors. It is historical fiction taking place during the Revolutionary War.
David R. Ossont has worked as a musician, a Fish and Wildlife Technician and for nearly three decades taught science to seventh and eighth graders. He received his college education from several colleges of the State University of New York. He has two children, Kyle and Hayley and lives with his wife Pam in upstate New York, not far from where the events of Ghosts of Saratoga take place.
David Dampf has been a middle school social studies teacher for the past 28 years. He has a Bachelor’s degree from SUNY Potsdam with a major in history and secondary education and a Master’s degree in reading from SUNY Cortland. Since he believes that understanding history is essential to being an educated, thoughtful adult, he has spent his life telling stories that make history come alive. He lives in Oneida, New York, with his family.